breeze brand's cbd gummies guide: which gummies are right for you?
Welcome to the cbd gummy universe. We get it. It can be overwhelming picking which gummies are right for you. Whether you’re a cbd first-timer or an old pro looking to switch up your go-to gummies, we have answers for you.
First and foremost, always check for third party lab results to ensure you are getting the best of the best cbd. Transparency trumps everything in the cbd industry. If you’re looking at a trustworthy cbd brand, they will make their lab results very accessible. P.S. you can always see breeze’s third party lab results on each product page. They look like this!
After you triple check that you are buying high quality, lab tested cbd, the fun stuff begins. What’s your desired effect? A deep sleep, you know the one when you wake up with the sheets imprinted on your face, lots of body heat, and maybe a little bit of drool (embarrassing, we know!)? Laser focus, like the kind when you forget TikTok and Instagram even exist? Or an immune boost, well because we are living in a pandemic after all? Breeze’s cbd gummy formulation extends beyond just cbd to target your desired effect. Each gummy has a blend of vitamins and minerals to enhance your experience.
Shut Eye: The Sleep Gummies
68% of Americans struggle with sleep. You’re not alone in your inability to catch some zzz’s. The ingredients in our shut eye gummies are designed to help you stop counting sheep and just sleep. Try one or two of the blackberry ginseng flavored gummies an hour before your head hits the pillow. You don’t have to thank us.
Made with
Magnesium Gluconate: a naturally occurring mineral supplement shown to improve mood and sleep and reduce pain.
L-Tryptophan: considered an essential amino acid because our bodies cannot make it. Commonly used for insomnia and sleep apnea.
Melatonin: we all know this one - our body naturally produces melatonin when bedtime rolls around. Melatonin can be a successful natural sleep aid.
& our personal favorite, cbd (of course!).
Bookworm: The Focus Gummies
There are lots of distractions nowadays. If you need some brain juice, the bookworm gummies are for you. The beautiful blend of cbd, fish oil, L-Theanine, and vitamin B12 in these pom fresh flavored gummies greases the wheels and keeps them turning all day. Try one or two of these gummies on a day you know have to grind.
Made with
Fish Oil: our Omega-3 fatty acid best friend supports overall health.
L-Theanine: an amino acid that is shown to improve focus when paired with caffeine. What are you waiting for head to your favorite coffee shop and get to work!
Vitamin B12: you don’t want to be deficient in vitamin b12! Check out this Harvard study.
& our personal favorite, cbd (of course!).
Made with: Fish Oil: 50 mg, L-Theanine: 50 mg, Vitamin B12: 15 mg, cbd: 10 mg
Got Health?: The Immunity Gummies
We certainly haven’t forgotten that we’re living in a pandemic. Wear your masks, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, and take your got health gummies. These blood orange & ginger flavored gummies are made with all the goodies to keep your immune system strong.
Made with
Vitamin C: an oldie but a goodie. Vitamin C boosts immunity by encouraging the body to produce white blood cells, which fight against infection.
Zinc Citrate: an essential micronutrient in maintaining a strong immune system.
& our personal favorite, cbd (of course!).
Made with: Vitamin C: 100 mg, Zinc Citrate: 15 mg, cbd: 10 mg
Still don’t know which cbd gummies are right for you? Head over to @thebreezebrand on Instagram and shoot us a DM. We’d love to help! Take it easy.