top 8 natural ways to manage occasional stress

Ahhhhhh, the 21st-century stressors. There’s a lot of them so it’s become harder and harder to dodge stress. Oh, and add to that list that we’re living in a pandemic. Now more than ever, people are looking for ways to keep themselves happy and healthy. It has been such a pleasure hearing how our cbd has helped you all through this odd and unprecedented time. It’s why we love what we do. To keep this a stress-free zone, we wanted to let you in on a few of our secrets for managing occasional stress:

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1. Take your breeze cbd

First and foremost, did you remember to take your cbd today? cbd is shown to help alleviate occasional stress and help with sleep (something that’s hard to get when you’re feeling out of sorts!). figuring out the dosing that works for you and staying on a consistent schedule will help you gain maximum benefits from your cbd. If you’re not sure where to start in the cbd world, check out our gummies guide.


2. Cut down the coffee

You read it right. Sad, I know. Caffeine just isn’t great when you’re stressed because it’s a stimulant. We’re not saying you need to give up your beloved coffee for good, but listen to your body. If you’re stressed, you don’t need the coffee jitters on top of it.

3. Write it down

Sweet relief. Take a hit of your favorite breeze pen and let it all out on the paper. Writing it down (or talking it out) allows you to let whatever is bothering you go.

Breeze’s journaling exercises. Start a routine when you wake up or before your head hits the pillow. Write three things you are grateful for. It can be as simple as the sound of the birds chirping in the morning. Then write three things you are looking forward to because why dwell on the past. And finally, mind dump. Give yourself five minutes to write down your flow of consciousness. This might end up being a to-do list or a vent session or more gratitude, it doesn’t matter! If you try our journaling exercises, let us know how it goes!


4. Get fresh air

Vitamin D & fresh air are really an unmatched duo. When you work from home or sit at a desk all day it can be hard to remember to take a break. Just a five minute stretch or walk outside will reinvigorate you.

5. Move your body

Going hand in hand with #4. Moving your body is a great way to manage stress for so many reasons. 1. It helps take your mind off whatever is causing the stress. 2. It decreases cortisol - aka the stress hormone. 3. It releases endorphins - aka the happy hormone.

6. Laugh

Laughter…another great endorphin releaser. these are Some of our favorites ways to get a chuckle in: skip to #7 (they can give you a laugh), watch any movie with Will Ferrell in it, play the lip-reading challenge, or DM us on insta and we can tell you a corny joke.

7. Spend time with family & friends

A little bit of QT with our loved ones gets us back on track. Whether you need a heart to heart over a glass of wine at midnight or a fun distraction, it’s like your inner circle can always catch your vibe and match it.

8. Chew gum

Soooo this one may seem odd but it helps. For the simplest reason, it gives you something to focus on other than the stress. But, there is actually research showing that gum chewers have lower stress than non-gum chewers. Gum chewers unite! But please do not smack your gum…you’ll probably stress other people out when you do that.

What works for us over here at the Breeze headquarters may not work for you. If your stress no longer seems occasional or manageable, it’s time to get help.

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