The Breeze Brand

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which breeze cbd vape flavor fits your personality?

We all know our coffee orders and cocktail orders say a lot about our personality, but what about the flavor of vape we choose? Oh, those do too. Before you read on, make a mental note of which flavor is your personal fave: pomelo, mai tai, pineapple, or tropicana.


Pomelo is a sweetheart, but has a subtle tang to them. They love to host happy hours and serve their signature summer sangria, but they certainly won’t miss the chance to have an espresso martini nightcap. When they’re grocery shopping at Whole Foods, they’re rocking out to Metallica or AC/DC in their headphones. Pomelo has got some spunk - you just gotta get to know them.

mai tai

You can’t get mai tai away from the ocean. Give them a good romance novel and a mai tai drink (of course) on the beach and they’ll be happy for days. They could pretty much have sushi or a poke bowl for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. Mai tai is always living in their own little world.


Pineapple would rather spend time with their pet and their 30 indoor plants. They meditate and journal every morning and definitely will never stay awake till the end of a movie. Their dream vacation is to any National Park, as long as their co-pilot is their dog. Pineapple knows what makes them feel happy & fulfilled and that’s what they prioritize.


Tropicana is the social butterfly of the group. FOMO pretty much dictates all of their plans. Tropicana drinks iced coffee even when it’s the middle of the winter…and not one…probably more like four a day. They’ve recently gotten into yoga and their closet is filled with the cutest matching sets. Tropicana is very reliable when it comes to having a good time.

We like to think each of our vape flavors has a unique personality, which one best suits yours and your BFFs? We wonder what each of our cbd gummies personalities would be like…let us know what you think at @thebreezebrand!